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Writers' Showcase

The Lady Or The Tiger
by Rick Tornello

“Good people, Welcome, welcome, welcome to Heaven folks. You made it. Just one thing to always keep in mind: Follow all the rules and you’ll be okay. They are posted everywhere so you don’t have to guess. Your assigned quarters are in the packets you’ve been given upon arrival. Go to the color-coded doors that match your packets. Enjoy and remember follow the rules. They will let you know all you need to do to conduct yourselves in any and every conceivable manner. You don’t have to worry. You don’t have to think. Just be. I’ll make everything great and the best that can be.

Should you have any questions the forms you need can be accessed via the Cloud. It contains all and everything that we believe you’ll ever need. No need to question we do know it all and it’s done for all of you. The login number code is 5551212.”

One other thing, if you do screw up, and I can’t imagine any three of you doing that, I can make accommodations in other parts of my universe that I have what I would call a trade agreement. But we don’t want to go there, do we?

Heads shake in agreement.

No? Good, I didn’t think so. Well enjoy. See you around.


IN another nonlinear non-time constrained location:

“Well partners, welcome to Hell. I just got back from a different orientation. Glad to be here. You lived a full life and in all respects, you earned it. There are no rules here, not one. Everyone can do or do not as they damned well please. Speaking of do nots there are drinks goodies to eat just behind you.”

“As I mentioned you’re on your own. Make your alliance, your enemies as it comes…or goes. That’s how it works here in hell.

By-the-way, You all have free will within the constraints of physics. Physics, is the basic underlying principle of existence, nature or whatever word you would use to describe it, and there’s no way around it. Understand physics and you understand me.

You’re here. Do the best you are able, considering where you are.

My staff will drive you to your enclaves and our reception members will give you a general orientation, maps and such things as deemed necessary to survive. But remember and listen to all they have to say. It will be the first and last time anyone of any authority like me or them,” and he points to an army of winged giants both male and female, “tells you what to do. You are on your own.”

“They,” he points to his winged army again, “are here to protect and serve…me.”

“Good luck. We’ll catch up every now and then to see how you’re all doing. You can call on me, or any of my staff, but don’t count on any real assistance. We may listen, nod our heads in agreement or sympathy, but there’s not much we can do at this point. But then again, there are always exceptions. Remember the golden rules: them that has the gold makes the rules. That would be ME. However, if you don’t ask, the answer is no.”

“If you should die? Don’t worry, you’ll be back at the starting gate and can do it all over and over again. There’s no wrong or right. There just is… forever. Remember this is Hell.

“See ya, now how about a few jelly donuts and some dark Italian brewed coffee. Or for those of you on a different sleep schedule, some pizza and beer or wine? It’s on the house.”


By, RdotTornello © & The Village idiot Press