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Writers' Showcase

Feelin' Cheeky
by M. V. Montgomery

At Niagara 

Hey, I don’t see any ducks here. 


I thought you said you were going to show me the waterfowl.

Fuel’s Paradise

Relieved to finally be able to afford gas for my automobile, I stood there at the pump, feeling tankful.

Regrettable Introduction 

Students, I hope that in this class you shall all feel mentally challenged.

Compromising Admission

We DIs (Disturbed Individuals) just love this sort of thing.

More Haile Silly Jokes for My Amharic Language Readers

Q: Why did the man step on his girlfriend’s foot after asking her to marry him? A: Because he wanted her to say awo. [“yes”]   

Q: Why did the Ethiopian captain send the sailor to the brig? A: Because he had answered aye, aye. [“no, no”]

Revenge Averted

You’ll pay for this! 

How much?

Only $19.95!

Cutting Remarks

I miss my knife. That whittle widget. 

Note to Self: Can’t cut anything with child safety scissors, need child cruelty scissors.

Serving One’s Fellows

Donner Party, your table is ready. Repeat, Donner Party. Your table is ready.

So, Aperçu Me

Behind every ironist, I suspect there is a closeted sentimentalist.

Profiting off Distress

One more complaint out of you, young lady, and you will need to put a quarter in the Angst Jar!

My Neck of the Woods

You might be a cracka if you call a friend with a new pick-up truck a “yuppie.”

You might be a cracka if you think “animal husbandry” is illegal.

You might be a cracka if you visit your neighbor on garbage day and ask, “What you throwin’ away?”

After the Jalapeno Dip

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ass cream.

Retro Mantra

How to avoid buying anything: just say to yourself, the new technology, when it comes out, will be better. Repeat as often as necessary.

Round and Round

As a wise man once replied when asked what keeps him going: Momentum.