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Writers' Showcase

Road Rage
by Rebecca Burke

Reversing in Asda car park losers getting in the way
Manically glaring at you as they walk their trolleys through your parking bay
Zitty youths in overgrown green uniform hunched over a chain of trolleys
That veer dangerously from side to side as they gaze gormlessly at you like wallies

Road Rage

Wide roads with much room force you to drive slower than an asthmatic snail
Yet country lanes that are narrow allow ridiculously high speeds without fail
So that lunatic porsche drivers late for their meeting
Can charge at you head on middle finger extended by way of greeting

Road Rage

Ambulances careering up behind you on their hospital dash
Drivers swerve overdramatically into the kerb almost causing another crash
Feeling guilty that you never saw it you were listening to Funky FM
As you sung away happily some poor bugger on a stretcher you did condemn

Road Rage

Roadworks ahead builder standing in road with crappy stop/go sign
Fat knackers showing ass cracks on Ginsters they do dine
Lollipop ladies chatting to harassed mums on their school run
Deliriously smiling at cars, standing in the road must be such fun!

Road Rage

Private school parents blocking the roads outside the schools
Bearing down on you in 4X4s the toffee nosed affected fools
Why such a big car to ferry a nasally voiced brat in a straw boater
Just go to a normal school and buy a less goddam massive moater

Road Rage

Traffic lights that change to red as soon as you appear
Sat like a berk waiting for it it to change you aint got all year
Trying to change lanes, alright, you took the wrong one it's not a sin!
But it is to the burly lorry driver who won't let you in
If they're not murdering backpackers or eating like hogs in roadside cafes
They're getting paid to sit on their sweaty backsides ruining our days

Road Rage