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Writers' Showcase

Big Black Car
by Michael C. Keith

Mavis looked into his rear-view mirror and saw a big black car behind him. When he checked his driver’s side mirror, the big black car was not there. Nor was the big black car evident when he checked his passenger’s side mirror. He returned his gaze to the rear-view mirror and found that the big black car was not only there but had moved closer. Again, he looked into his side view mirrors and was relieved to see the big black car, although it was only inches from his bumper. When he turned his attention back to the rear-view mirror, the big black car was no longer there. It was at that moment that Mavis experienced intense pressure in his ears and felt weightless. To his total astonishment, the big black car was now in front of him. Then it was gone, and the road before him opened to the stars.