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Writers' Showcase

The Selfish Suicide
by Michael S. Collins

A man shot himself today
It was very bloody
He stained the blouse
Of a passing shopper
Who sued his widow
For a happy penny
She won her case
And a seat in parliament.
Her vote in the Commons
Took the country to war.
The war took the country
To financial ruin.
The ruin took the war
To the people.
The people took the war
To the streets.
The riots were blamed
On immigrants.
Immigrants were rounded
Up and shot.
The UN was not
Pleased at this.
Military action was called.
The country blazed.
Protests in other countries
About such final actions
Led to protests in those countries
Which led, naturally, to
The final world war
Where everyone died
Or suffered.
Now see how selfish
The individual can be!