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Interview With Mr. Potato Head
by Roger Freed

Today we interview that star of toy stores and famed actor from the films Toy Story 1,2 and 3, Mr. Potato Head! Visiting him in his penthouse at the Farmer's Market in Manhattan he spills the beans on his illustrious life:

A hearty greetings to you, Mr. Potato Head! Thank you for doing this interview with us. Where is it you are from?
Illinois, but my roots are in Idaho.

I have heard that you had a tough childhood. What did you do growing up?
I got let out of the bag at a young age. When I was a young spud I used to go out and get roasted a lot. Then I was in the underground for a while. No more of that now that I'm older.

I understand that your father went on the skids.
Actually more like out on a pallet. He went bad and was used to make cheap vodka. Very sad.

I see that you were once arrested in Iowa.
Yes, it is rather embarrassing. I had what they call 'conduct unbecoming' with an underage rutabaga. It turns out she wasn't quite ripe. But they dropped the charges because she was indecently exposed- came out above ground before her time.

Why didn't you catch onto that? You shouldn't have let that happen.
Hey man, it's not like I have eyes in the back of my head, you know! Well, actually, I do, but they don't work like regular eyes.

Were you ever married?
I was married for a while, but she was bruised, became a vegetable and they took her away.

So you first shot to fame in the fifties as a novelty toy.
Yeah, I had face altering abilities before Micheal Jackson was even born. It was a natural talent because I grew up in a rough neighborhood where people would rearrange your face for you. People don't know it, but I was actually an inspiration for a lot of Picasso drawings.

But that served you well in your later career.
Yes, it did. Whenever the coppers would put out a wanted poster on me I would just change my facial features. Wait a minute- which career were you talking about?

What do you think of Hollywood?
You have to be careful or they will make hash out of you there. It is the sort of business where you can get baked real easy. They'll skin you if you don't watch out for yourself.

How did you like working with Tom Hanks?
It was hard to keep a straight face with him around, which for me is a career threat.

Why is it that after the last Toy Story movie we haven't seen much of you?
Ah, yeah. My career ended shortly thereafter when I tried to dance the mashed potato. It is OK for humans to do this, but quite hazardous for someone who is a potato himself to do.

I understand you got into the restaurant business for awhile.
Yeah, I did. But I got scalloped! Man, did they ever fry me!

Do you have any desire to go further in the movie business?
I've been offered to be in a skin flick, but I don't know. I would have to peel in it.