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The Wise King
by Albert Russo

Oh you don’t believe me, hey! There are much worse stories than this one.

The poor servant of a crazy Prussian prince who had the misfortune of letting out a fart that almost axfixiated the ladder, was sent to the gallows where he was hanged with a hook tied to his backside. No, I won’t give you more details, it’s too cruel and disgusting to describe.

In order to put some sense into your brainless lil heads, I’ll quote some of King Solomon’s most famous proverbs.

The more you are corrected, the more you learn; only fools think they are perfect.

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

A good attitude is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up your bones. Wow, did he mean that you suddenly turn into a skeleton, losing all your flesh? This proverb will give me nightmares.

A true friend is one who sticks by you, specially when times are hard. He can say that again. I have a classmate called Jenny la Jerk and she only sweet talks to me when she needs a favor or wants to copy my homework. I know that behind my back, she says that I am a bitch. Do you know why? She’s jealous of my lovely skin and my lean figure. The poor thing has so many pimples - she doesn’t stop pressing them, you’d think that a ripe pomegranate has exploded in her face - and a schnozzle inherited from her aristocritically French ancestors - coz she loooves to show off, repeating to all and sundry, even on Sundays, that she has blue blood. That’s also why her fat legs are covered with varicose veins, too disgusting to look at! And she has the gall - yuk her mouth stinks - to call me her very best friend.

A good reputation is better than great riches. To be respected is better than silver or gold. Ok, but I still like when my uncle buys me a silver bracelet or a lil gold pendant.

With King Solomon, peace and happiness had returned to the country and he became famous in every nation around Israel for his honesty and sense of justice, but mainly because he traded with them. That’s also when he built the Great Temple in Jerusalem - exactly where the Dome of the Rock mosque now stands, so folks, stop saying that there was nothing there before. There’s archeological proof, ok!

Things were not always perfect tho. In some of the villages outside Jerusalem there were quite a few poor people, and the ladder started complaining that they had to reserve most of their grain crops for the king’s horses so that they had little left for themselves. Hee haw! They didn’t dare demonstrate like the thousands of ‘yellow vests’ do in France nowadays, on account that the king wouldn’t tolerate such furious complaints, with all those fires and broken windows in the streets of Paris and elsewhere.