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The Loser, the Flapper and Rugila, King of the Huns – Part Two
by Don Drewniak

The Loser, the Flapper and Rugila, King of the Huns – Part One

Author note: I awoke some months ago at 3:13 in the morning from a dream, or so I thought, that was detailed and vivid beyond any and all previous dreams. Not wanting to let it fade into the dustbin of history, I headed to my laptop and, aided by three glasses of red wine, a first draft titled The Loser and the Flapper was completed in slightly less than two hours.

I was disabused of the belief that The Loser and the Flapper was based on a dream precisely one week later when I was jolted from sleep at 3:13.

Standing just beyond the edge of my bed was a shadowy male figure with a light grey face and hair that was dark grey. It was wearing a light grey robe, and appeared to be around six feet in height with a medium build.

“What you believe to have been a dream about the one called Mervin was not a dream, inferior mortal.”

Frozen with fear, it seemed like an eternity before I was able to mutter, “Who, no, what the hell are you?”

“You have the Hell part right, inferior mortal.”

“So, you are a visitor from Hell. Is that your story?”

“You doubt me?”

Wham! The S.O.B. hit me with a miniature bolt of lightning.

After my scrambled egg of a brain once again began to function, I told the ugly S.O.B. that I was a convert and asked if he wanted a glass of Merlot.

“No, unlike you inferior mortals, I have no need for your food or drink.”

“How about sex?”

“Yesterday, your time, with Catherine the Great as you mortals call her.”

“Catherine the Grear! How was she?”

“You may find out in the very near future.”

Hmm, maybe Hell is the place to go.

I figured it was time to get down to brass tacks. “Who were you before you kicked the bucket?”

“I am Rugila, King of the Huns and Ruler of the Eastern Huns in the fifth century A.D. My women all called me Rugila the Big. Only Wilt Chamberlin has been with more women than me.”

“Wilt the Stilt is in Hell?”

“No, last I heard he was playing basketball on Gliese832c.”

“Gliese832c has life on it?”

“Spirit life, but enough about Chamberlin. Move on.”

“I thought Attila was the big cheese back in the time of the Huns.”

Wham! I was hit with a second bolt. This one knocked me flat and left my brain jumbled for several minutes.

When I once again regained use the ability to think, Rugila continued. “Attila was my nephew and the only way he became King of the Huns was after I was hit by a thunderbolt.”

“How did that happen?”

“That bastard Roman Emperor Theodosius II made a deal with some two-bit god who then got me with the thunderbolt.”

“Whoa, you were one bad dude if a god wiped you out.

“No worse than your politicians.”

“Can’t argue that. Bet Hell is crawling with them.”

“Countless thousands from countries all over Earth.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Say, if you are Rugila, King of the Huns, how is it that you speak English so well?

“Playing poker with four ex-presidents of the United States.”

“There are four U.S. presidents in Hell?”


“Whoa! Is it hot in Hell with fires all over it?”

“A perfect 20.5 Celsius at level six which is my level, but it gets hotter the lower you go. If you are at the bottom, level one, it is 99.2 Celsius with nothing but flames everywhere you look.”

“Where is Hell?”

“In another dimension with a different frequency from that of Earth.”

“Doesn’t sound half bad.”

“Depends on how badly you behaved on Earth. The badder you were, the higher up on the ladder of Hell you go. The higher the better.”

“That makes no sense.”

“See if your inferior mortal mind can grasp this concept, Hell is the place for those who were badasses during their stay on Earth. The badder the better. Who do you think occupies level seven, the highest and best one?”

“The Devil.”

“Bingo, but he prefers to be called Satan. He has always been the most evil of the evil. So, who do you think he wants nearest to him?”

“Those who were almost as evil as him.”

“Right you are.”

“Let me see if I understand this. You are from level six with a bunch of badasses. So there must be those who were even more evil than you in level seven with Satan.

“No, Satan invites residents of level six for short visits and they are mostly women. When he has tasks he wants done on Earth, he uses those of us who live in level six.”

“Do you do this sort of thing often?”

“About once every Earth decade.”

“So those at level one who may have just missed passing through the Pearly Gates are doomed to fry in the fires of Hell.”

“For eternity, inferior mortal. The more evil one was as an Earthling, the higher up one goes.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Satan has sent me to find the one you call Mervin.”

“But that was only a dream. Mervin is not a real person.”

“Wrong again! Dreams of humans occur when there is a frequency change and they briefly interact with an alternate universe. There are an infinite number of universes and, therefore, an inifinite number of possibilities.”

“Even if that is so,,,”

“It is.”

“How am I supposed to know where Mervin is?'

“Your task is a simple one. Should you have another dream about Mervin that reveals his current wherabouts, you will call my hotline.”

With this, Rugila broke into laughter. “Hotline, get it?”

“Pretty good,”

“BS, it was damn good.”

“What if I decide not to call?”

“When you pass from this life, you will go to level one for eternity,”

“What? Suppose I don't have another Mervin dream?”

“Tough luck. Based on your life thus far, it's level one.”

“This is insane.”

“Your planet is a spinning insane asylum.”

“True, but hey, haven't I done enough bad stuff to merit a higher level?”

“No. urinating on Plymouth Rock with a few idiotic teenage friends when you were all drunk doesn't cut it.”

“Hey, I've done hundreds of things worse than that.”

“Such as?”

“How about when I cheated on my girlfriend when I was a freshman in college?”

“Run of the mill stuff.”


“Zip it. If you were a petty thief or something along that line, you would slide into level two. However, find Mervin and you will be guaranteed a level six slot upon passing.”

“I can't win. I'd be stuck with a bunch of thugs.”

“Not so. There are rules of behavior. All who mess up disappear.”

“Where do they go?”

“Only Satan knows, but rumor has it they go to level one and are put in solitary confinement for eternity.”

“Why in the world does Satan want to know where Mervin is?”

“No idea.”

“I am probably going to have nightmares about Mervin every time I sleep.”

“Contact my hotline, one of those may be your ticket to level six. My secretary from level four will respond.”

“Unbelievable! You killed and wounded hundreds, maybe thousands, of people here on Earth and you are rewarded with an afterlife of luxury. I do nothing much worse than piss on a rock and I suffer for eternity.”

“Sorry, inferior mortal, but that's the way it is.”

“Suppose I do have another dream about Mervin, do I use my cellphone?”

That evoked a sarcastic laugh from Rugila, “No, inferior mortal.”

He then proceeded to give me an alphanumeric code.

“Commit this to memory. To make contact just concentrate on the code. Do not share it with anyone.”

“What happens if I do and they make contact?”

“They will die immediately.”

“Wouldn't that be seen as murder by me?”

“Now you are thinking.”

“Level 6?”

A smile flashed across Rugila's face as he faded from view.