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Writers' Showcase

The Final Scene
by Ian Curtress

When darkness is the final scene, the actors left the stage, silence is deafening, pointless is your rage.
The audience left empty seats, their part in this production. of another age.
But then you have the spotlight . No critics in the wings, it is perfect timing.
You can play that final episode, acclaimed not of this World.
Too perfect for an Earthly realm. Life’s manuscript unfurled
Heavens words and settings.. The ribbon, now untied , unseen but next your heart, as it has always been.
Even now, the years have past and yet her beauty still commands my eyes.
Were they designed for such enrichment. Such emotional Baptise.
And then that smile! No fight is within you, white flag the only course
You surrender, all emotions melt. An overflowing force
Love in its true meaning which few will comprehend. A love which has no borders.
A love which has no end
And so the curtain slowly falls. You pray she’ll reminisce. Perhaps take your hand and understand.
Start Heavens journey with a final kiss.