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Writers' Showcase

Perfect in the End
by Bill Tope

Clad in a red, one-piece $1,000 swimsuit, the thirtyish woman leisurely rubbed tanning oil into her already bronzed skin. First up and down her arms, then deeply Into her shoulder muscles and finally down lightly, over her hands.  A gold band gleamed off the ring finger of her left hand.

Next, she tightened her stomach muscles and rapidly performed exactly five hundred intense abdominal crunches. Sweat beaded on her tan brow and dripped off onto the colorful blanket on which she lay.  Her fiery red hair was slightly darkened with her perspiration.

Then, taking up a pair of enameled 20 Pound dumbbells, she put herself through her paces, doing curls, shoulder presses and, holding the weights with outstretched arms, she swung first to the left and then to the right, working up a terrific sweat.

At last, her routine over and her perfect, fit, sexy body at rest, she took several deep breaths, then toweled off the perspiration.  Reaching into her leather handbag, the woman pulled out a pack of unfiltered cigarettes, then turned up a lighter.

Her husband, clad in a pair of swimming trunks and with a towel hung round his neck, chose that moment to appear. He surveyed her critically, but she appeared to take no notice. Placing the cigarette between her perfect lips, she flicked the lighter, applied the flame, then closed the Zippo with a loud snap.

"Jesus Christ," intoned the man in a concerned voice. "Don't you care at all what you're doing to your body?  I'm going To be attending your funeral one of these days!"  She inhaled deeply, held the smoke In her lungs for a long time, then expelled a perfect ring of smoke.  "Yes," she said huskily, smiling and revealing perfect white teeth, "But in the end, I'll Make a beautiful corpse!"  He frowned.  She added, "don't you think?"