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Writers' Showcase

Five Poems (2)
Written by Chinese Poet, Hongri Yuan
Translated by Yuanbing Zhang

Cherish: The Memory of the Heaven

Today I would like to thank the world that looks like the hell.
It makes the fire that cherish the memory of the Heaven burning inside me;
it reminds me of the precious fruit of the sweet golden tree.
Those palaces and towers swirling music from outer space,
those giants whose bodies are limpid and happy,
those oceans are blue cocktails,
those rivers are the nectar of the soul;
However those mountains float in the sky like clouds, layer upon layer.
None of stone has no transparent smile.
The wind pass through the body and sings mysterious words.
None of flowers will wither,
as if old sun is both eternal and young.



Don't Forget The Other You

Don't forget the other you,
those numerous yous, either in the body or outer space,
those sweet smiles and the diamond flowers that never wither,
that make boundless years on earth turn into a snippet of bird song.
Yes, the crows of a heavenly Phoenix.
Those sweet lightnings hit you,
let you suddenly wake up and see Gold Heaven is with you.
And your body is the golden body of giants,
and makes all time become sweet.



Never-withering Light

I can’t say the mystery of the gods yet,
the devil is coveting the diamond of heaven.
There is a golden kingdom whose light is like wine inside the ancient earth.
The smiles of the gods are beside you,
as if they are the rounds of invisible sun and moon.
And your soul is ancient and holy
twinkls with the never-withering light of stars .



My Heaven is Inside My Body

My heaven is inside my body,
my heaven is a great many,
like stars in the night sky,
with silver towers,
huge edifices that look like sapphires ,
golden palaces, gardens of crystal.
My body is bigger than the universe,
countless gods and angels are my partners,
as if they are countless myself.
Neither time nor life and death in my words ,
dawn and dusk are the same name,
and sadness and joy are the same words.



The Hymn of Sweet Soul

Drape the night over my shoulders like a cloak of the world,
call the birds of the stars from outer space and fly near my city garden.
Sing a song of the giants from huge city of platinum,
awoke the drowsy city of the world with a start.
Oh, the lightnings are in full bloom in the vault of heaven —the hymns of
sweet soul.
Your bones became transparent suddenly,
its light was flickering all over the body like the wings,
in a flash, the body became huge, higher than the large building
down the street.
