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Fifth Amendment
by Ian Curtress

It’s was bothering him, he had a good memory and was excellent on faces but just could not place her.
Where had they met
He smiled to himself, Declan and he had a holiday in Jersey, single and fancy free.
What a time they had. They were both very presentable guys and had girls on their arms in no time.
She was called Ginger, for obvious reasons. A shock of auburn hair.
No commitments and they had fun! Out every night for a week, missing breakfasts in the morning.
No it’s not her.
Was it Wales? they went to North Wales one year. Night life was tame. Had to make their own. Which they did.
Now what was her name, Glynn or Gwen. She was better than any night life. Really kept a welcome in the hillside! Had her own version of Russian Roulette! Still have the bad back.
Told that terrible joke “ have you seen Llanberris Pass? No and I’ve been standing here all day”!
It isn't her, she had distinctive ears.
I know it’s not her but it made me think of Lilly. She was a very fit girl. Remember the pun “Ponder a while before you upset Lilly”
Where did I meet Jenny. Was it that boring Conference in Scarborough.
She was from Leeds I think. Had legs that carried a Government Health warning! No it isn’t her, she was a blonde.
Oh. Is it Ruth? Used to meet her on the train every morning for nearly six months. People started to talk. All very innocent, I’m sorry to say. No she married and moved to Sydney. It Isn’t the girl who was transferred to the office for a couple of months is it.
Asked her out. All she said was “You wish”! No. She was stand offish.
Now wait a minute. What about Rita. You still see her occasionally at the tennis club. No. I'd remember her right enough. We had quite a thing going for a while.
Remember Willow. She was a great Gal’ alway laughing. Made all those joke about middle wicket. Certainly not her, I’d know her instantly.
Have a rotten headache.
Whats he saying….why am I in bed?
“You had a nasty fall” he said. We gave you something to keep you partially sedated, you will soon be allowed home.
Whose that Woman I asked, I know her.
That’s your wife sir, she has been at your bedside all week, you have been rambling quite a lot.
I think you may have some awkward questions to answer!