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Writers' Showcase

A New Suit
by Bill Tope

"I don't know what I'd do without laughter,"
Sighed Sally, reflecting back on the totally
Miserable day she'd had. "You mean, if you
Couldn't laugh, then you'd cry," interpreted
Her friend and roommate Mavis, sitting with
Sally on the sofa in the great room of their
"Exactly," replied Sally, occupied with
Carefully loading a large bore handgun with
Ammo." I mean, take today for example:
I got propositioned by my boss--he put his
Hands on my rear, do you believe that?--and
I kneed him in the groin.  And then they up
And fired me!  What's that all about?"
"Oh my, what happened next?"
"As they were frog-marching me from the
Premises, I broke out in laughter!  Slightly
Hysterical laughter, it's true, but laughter none
The less.  But, I'm going to even the score,"
She promised, inserting another bullet and
Then waving the huge gun before her.
"You need to get an attorney," counseled
Mavis. "Already got a lawyer," shot back Sally.
"Is he any good?  Where did you find him?"
"He's a retired politician but he knows his way
Around sexual harassment suits."
What's his name?" asked Mavis.
"Andrew something; Comma, Comino, Coma,
Something like that. He went to any Ivy League
School somewhere. He's an A-Lister."
"Good, Baby, sounds like he knows what he's
Doing. You'll be okay now."

Originally published in Down in the Dirt Magazine