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Writers' Showcase

When I Hold You
by John Yelavich

On the very first day we met,
I was taken by your glossy glow,
sensed we could have a true bond,
one where intimacy could grow.
Your crystal clear complexion
graced a firm, confident mood;
I knew when I held you tightly,
you were mine, with no attitude.
You offered unwavering support,
yet never demanded too much,
you shared places I wished to visit,
showing me how with just a touch.
Together we traveled the world,
experiencing adventure and fun,
you enriched my perspectives,
providing images second to none.
You never left me feeling lost
always helped to light the way,
with energy, insight and passion,
time with you delighted each day.
You’ve changed my life forever,
respect for you steadily grew,
If I need you I keep you close,
oh Library Card, I cherish you.