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Writers' Showcase

by Alex Andy Phuong

As people began to employ reason and logic rather than simply rely on emotional and romantic sensibilities, some of them began to question the nature of reality itself.  In fact, as Nietzsche attempted to understand the nature of reality, he dared to ask what exactly the idea of truth really means within his influential text The Birth of Tragedy.  In a time when psychology began to develop, people yearned to explain the world around them scientifically rather than by merely relying on sensational elements.  Additionally, these people employed reason rather than emotion in order to understand themselves, the world around them, and what defines reality.  In Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy, he arrived at the conclusion that truth is merely a superficial thought about reality simply because of the subjective nature of reality itself.

As the world transitioned from Romanticism to Realism, people like Nietzsche began to wonder about what really is true in the world.  Poets from the romantic era, like Wordsworth, might have used elaborate metaphors to describe nature.  As history changed, though, Nietzsche’s ideas beg to ask the question of what really does exist in the world.  There is also the belief that nothing exists at all, and that everything that happens in life is merely an illusion.  Thus, people can only understand so much about themselves and the world around them because there is, perhaps, nothing that really is true.  Instead, everything that happens in life could all simply be a projection of reality rather than a solid truth.  Therefore, people might gloat about innovations that they made throughout history, but they are all still fundamentally human with a limited understanding of everything, including possibly themselves.
In other words…some people do not know ****.