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A Survey of People Who Regularly Respond to Surveys
by R.D. Ronstad

97% of people who regularly respond to surveys think that other people care what they think.

81% of people who regularly respond to surveys indicate that most of their opinions are borrowed.

86% of people who regularly respond to surveys say that they don’t know the difference between a poll and a survey, or if there is one.

Somewhat confusingly, 79% of the 86% mentioned above nevertheless indicate they would rather be surveyed than polled.

6% of people who regularly respond to surveys say of themselves that, so far, it looks like they have all the answers.

4% of people who regularly respond to surveys define a small sample size as any population sample that doesn‘t include them.

11% of people who regularly respond to surveys indicate that, on at least one occasion when they were responding to a phone survey, they thought they were having a conversation with a distant relative.

61% of people who regularly respond to surveys say that if they are given the option of answering  "don't know" to any given question, they feel insulted.

50% of people who regularly respond to surveys indicate that they only deviate from the mean when no one is looking.

72% of people who regularly respond to surveys answered “no” when asked: “Is there such a thing as a dumb question?”

28% of people who regularly respond to surveys thought the above was a dumb question.

17% of people who regularly respond to surveys say they only respond to surveys that require filling in little circles. (Pollsters conclusion: 17% of people who regularly respond to surveys have OCD.)

3% of people who regularly respond to surveys think that George Gallup is the name of Dudley Do-Right’s horse.