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Writers' Showcase

A Streetcar with (Possibly) Naked Desire
by Alex Andy Phuong

Vivien Leigh won two Academy Awards for playing two of the most iconic Southern belles in cinematic history. She played the tempestuous Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939), and portrayed the fragile and delusional Southern English teacher Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). Even though Tennessee Williams wrote the original stage play, one has to wonder what had happened behind the scenes during the making of that famous film adaptation. After all, Vivien Leigh co-starred with Marlon Brando, and he was a major sex symbol during the production and theatrical release of A Streetcar Named Desire. Filled with drama, passion, and desire, who knows if Marlon Brando and Vivien Leigh “did it” when they collaborated with each other during the filming of that prestigious film. After all, “desire” could have led to “destiny”…who knows?